It is no exaggeration to call Andrey Makarevich a legend.
Makarevich is a front figure and guru for Russian rock music at large. He is the founder of the country’s oldest band Mashina Vremeni (“Time Machine”, since 1969!). MV was the first band in the Soviet Union who started to sing rock in Russian and made the style popular. Their song “Povorot” (”The Turn”) topped the first ever official USSR chart yet in 1979. In perestroika times, when the band was finally allowed to issue LPs, they sold 18 million copies of each album. Along playing with MV, Makarevich also released numerous solo albums, started a plethora of different projects and authored several poetry collections. Moreover, Makarevich was the music producer for ex-USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev’s only solo album.
Since the very beginning of Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine in 2014, Makarevich became the frontfigure of the anti-war stance in his native country, an active supporter of Ukrainian sovereignty and an outspoken critic of Putin’s regime through his songs, interviews and public statements. The Russian Ministry of Justice stamped artist as a ”Foreign agent”. He currently lives in exile and releases powerful anti-war songs. These songs laid base for his new album Ubezhische (Refuge) released in the end of 2023.
Makarevich’s solo jubilee program is an incredible mix of his newest songs and greatest hits that every Russian speaker knows by heart, of powerful music and conversations with the audience, of laughter and tears, of sincere simplicity and arena-size charisma – all in one!
Don’t miss a unique chance: come and hear Andrey Makarevich live in Stockholm.
Swedish press on Makarevich:
”Han är en av Rysslands mest folkkära musiker men har de senaste åren kallats både landsförrädare och femtekolonnare: det på grund av sin kritik av Putins Ukraina-politik… Hans kritiska åsikter har kommit tydligt till uttryck i hans senaste låtar. I låten ”Mitt land har tappat förståndet” sjunger han om hur hans hemland gått ut i krig och att han inte kunnat stoppa det.” Erik Norbergh, SVT Nyheter
”Makarevitj är rockstjärna – en av Rysslands största med sånger som har präglat en hel generation. Sedan 1969 är han låtskrivare och solist i Masjina Vremeni (Tidsmaskinen), Rysslands äldsta rockband som fortfarande ger ut nya skivor. Generationer över hela det forna Sovjet växte upp med hans musik, en blandning av blues, rock och rysk folkmusik som inte sågs med blida ögon av de sovjetiska myndigheterna men som spelades överallt på raspiga kassettband och icke utannonserade konserter”. Anna-Lena Laurén, SvD
onsdag apr 17, 2024
proudly present
April 17th
It is no exaggeration to call Andrey Makarevich a legend.
Makarevich is a front figure and guru for Russian rock music at large. He is the founder of the country’s oldest band Mashina Vremeni (“Time Machine”, since 1969!). MV was the first band in the Soviet Union who started to sing rock in Russian and made the style popular. Their song “Povorot” (”The Turn”) topped the first ever official USSR chart yet in 1979. In perestroika times, when the band was finally allowed to issue LPs, they sold 18 million copies of each album. Along playing with MV, Makarevich also released numerous solo albums, started a plethora of different projects and authored several poetry collections. Moreover, Makarevich was the music producer for ex-USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev’s only solo album.
Since the very beginning of Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine in 2014, Makarevich became the frontfigure of the anti-war stance in his native country, an active supporter of Ukrainian sovereignty and an outspoken critic of Putin’s regime through his songs, interviews and public statements. The Russian Ministry of Justice stamped artist as a ”Foreign agent”. He currently lives in exile and releases powerful anti-war songs. These songs laid base for his new album Ubezhische (Refuge) released in the end of 2023.
Makarevich’s solo jubilee program is an incredible mix of his newest songs and greatest hits that every Russian speaker knows by heart, of powerful music and conversations with the audience, of laughter and tears, of sincere simplicity and arena-size charisma – all in one!
Don’t miss a unique chance: come and hear Andrey Makarevich live in Stockholm.
Swedish press on Makarevich:
”Han är en av Rysslands mest folkkära musiker men har de senaste åren kallats både landsförrädare och femtekolonnare: det på grund av sin kritik av Putins Ukraina-politik… Hans kritiska åsikter har kommit tydligt till uttryck i hans senaste låtar. I låten ”Mitt land har tappat förståndet” sjunger han om hur hans hemland gått ut i krig och att han inte kunnat stoppa det.”
Erik Norbergh, SVT Nyheter
”Makarevitj är rockstjärna – en av Rysslands största med sånger som har präglat en hel generation. Sedan 1969 är han låtskrivare och solist i Masjina Vremeni (Tidsmaskinen), Rysslands äldsta rockband som fortfarande ger ut nya skivor. Generationer över hela det forna Sovjet växte upp med hans musik, en blandning av blues, rock och rysk folkmusik som inte sågs med blida ögon av de sovjetiska myndigheterna men som spelades överallt på raspiga kassettband och icke utannonserade konserter”.
Anna-Lena Laurén, SvD
onsdag apr 17, 2024