Arab Strap [SCO] ger två spelningar i Sverige i höst! 15 november – Slaktkyrkan, Stockholm 16 november – Plan B, Malmö Biljettsläpp onsdag 14 maj kl 11:00 via – Slutet av 90-talet var en alldeles särskild tid för Skottland. Det lilla landet i den norra delen av Storbritannien var nämligen en global stormakt när det kom till kvalitativ indiemusik. Belle & Sebastian, Primal Scream, Teenage Fanclub och så självklart då Arab Strap – de mörkaste av dem alla. Med sina konfrontativa texter, pratade eller sjungna på den bredaste av skotska, fångade Arab Strap med sina electro-akustiska beats och sina sparsmakade gitarrer tidens atmosfär. Det var dekadent, smärtsamt uppriktigt och inte sällan väldigt roligt.Arab Straps numera ikoniska debut ’The Week Never Starts Round Here’ släpptes 1996 och placerade bandet på alla musikälskares läppar. En resa som fortsatte över ytterligare fem album innan bandet bestämde sig för att lägga ner 2006. 2021, efter en 16 år lång paus, bestämde sig duon som består av Aidan Moffat och Malcolm Middleton för att återvända. Något de gjorde storstilat med den lika hopplösa som hoppfulla skivan ’As Days Get Dark’. I år är det 25 år sedan bandet släppte sina andra skiva, den majestätiskt desillusionerade ’Philophobia’ – något som ska firas med en efterlängtad turné! Den 15 november spelar de på Slaktkyrkan i Stockholm och den 16 november på Plan B i Malmö!
A.S. Fanning has never been a particularly cheerful artist. His last album, “You Should Go Mad” (2020) borrowsits title from a line in Melville’s “Moby Dick” and circles around paranoia and anxiety. A.S. Fanning never learned a blue-collar trade or earned an academic qualification. He played his first gig at the age of 12, in a pub on the outskirts of Dublinwhere they would turn a blind eye to the musician’s age. He had his first band with original songs at the age of 16, one year later they would flare-up shortly in the Irish charts. For a while he toured the world playing bass in the backing band of an Irish musician, and in between he made some money playing Johnny Cash covers in the pubs of Dublin.
To make ends meet with the meagre income of a musician he moved to Berlin in 2011, to concentrate more on his own songs and their production. The music turned darker, the instrumentation more sparse, and voice and lyrics were brought into focus.“Mushroom Cloud” is A.S. Fanning’s third Berlin album, and a preliminary peak of this creative period. Except for the title track, all songs were written in a very intense phase within three or four weeks at the beginning of 2022. It is the first time in his solo career that he employs a consistent band line-up throughout an album, working out arrangements with his co-musiciansBernardo Sousa (electric guitar), Dave Adams (organ, piano), Jeff Collier (drums) and Felix Buchner (bass). The album was recorded in only five days in the Impression Recordings studio of Robbie Moore(Idea Farm). Only the overdubs of the Oriel Quartet, written by the Irish composer Irene Buckley, a bit of percussion and a lonely pedal steel guitar in “Sober” were added.
onsdag nov 15, 2023
Arab Strap + AS Fanning
Arab Strap [SCO] ger två spelningar i Sverige i höst!
15 november – Slaktkyrkan, Stockholm
16 november – Plan B, Malmö
Biljettsläpp onsdag 14 maj kl 11:00 via
Slutet av 90-talet var en alldeles särskild tid för Skottland. Det lilla landet i den norra delen av Storbritannien var nämligen en global stormakt när det kom till kvalitativ indiemusik. Belle & Sebastian, Primal Scream, Teenage Fanclub och så självklart då Arab Strap – de mörkaste av dem alla. Med sina konfrontativa texter, pratade eller sjungna på den bredaste av skotska, fångade Arab Strap med sina electro-akustiska beats och sina sparsmakade gitarrer tidens atmosfär. Det var dekadent, smärtsamt uppriktigt och inte sällan väldigt roligt.Arab Straps numera ikoniska debut ’The Week Never Starts Round Here’ släpptes 1996 och placerade bandet på alla musikälskares läppar. En resa som fortsatte över ytterligare fem album innan bandet bestämde sig för att lägga ner 2006. 2021, efter en 16 år lång paus, bestämde sig duon som består av Aidan Moffat och Malcolm Middleton för att återvända. Något de gjorde storstilat med den lika hopplösa som hoppfulla skivan ’As Days Get Dark’. I år är det 25 år sedan bandet släppte sina andra skiva, den majestätiskt desillusionerade ’Philophobia’ – något som ska firas med en efterlängtad turné! Den 15 november spelar de på Slaktkyrkan i Stockholm och den 16 november på Plan B i Malmö!
A.S. Fanning has never been a particularly cheerful artist. His last album, “You Should Go Mad” (2020) borrowsits title from a line in Melville’s “Moby Dick” and circles around paranoia and anxiety. A.S. Fanning never learned a blue-collar trade or earned an academic qualification. He played his first gig at the age of 12, in a pub on the outskirts of Dublinwhere they would turn a blind eye to the musician’s age. He had his first band with original songs at the age of 16, one year later they would flare-up shortly in the Irish charts. For a while he toured the world playing bass in the backing band of an Irish musician, and in between he made some money playing Johnny Cash covers in the pubs of Dublin.
To make ends meet with the meagre income of a musician he moved to Berlin in 2011, to concentrate more on his own songs and their production. The music turned darker, the instrumentation more sparse, and voice and lyrics were brought into focus.“Mushroom Cloud” is A.S. Fanning’s third Berlin album, and a preliminary peak of this creative period. Except for the title track, all songs were written in a very intense phase within three or four weeks at the beginning of 2022. It is the first time in his solo career that he employs a consistent band line-up throughout an album, working out arrangements with his co-musiciansBernardo Sousa (electric guitar), Dave Adams (organ, piano), Jeff Collier (drums) and Felix Buchner (bass). The album was recorded in only five days in the Impression Recordings studio of Robbie Moore(Idea Farm). Only the overdubs of the Oriel Quartet, written by the Irish composer Irene Buckley, a bit of percussion and a lonely pedal steel guitar in “Sober” were added.
onsdag nov 15, 2023